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At 41 years old I find taking care of my skin to be a bigger priority then it was in my twenties. Over the last few years as I have dived into this homesteading world and have been learning about our food and all of the chemicals in it, the next obvious thing to dive into was all the skincare products we use. Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? Our skin protects us from bacteria, chemicals and the temperature around us, plus so much more. If it is built to protect us from chemicals, then why are we covering it with chemicals all the time?

These are questions that I have not been able to silence in my head. I have slowly started switching out the products we use at home. We have changed out our hand soap, scalp treatments, lip balm, lotion bars, lip scrubs and now our bodywash. I have been looking for a bodywash that my whole family could use and enjoy. I finally I found it. What is nice is the scent can change with the seasons but the formula itself will stay the same and in reality, I love it unscented.

I use this recipe for one 15oz glass foaming soap dispenser that I buy on Amazon. You can find the link here. If you use a different size then you will want to adjust your recipe, you will want this ratio for the foam dispenser to foam.

What you will need:

  • 1-15oz Foaming Soap Dispenser
  • 1/3 cup Raw Honey (I get mine from Azure Standard)
  • 1/3 cup Unscented Castile Soap (or scented if you prefer)
  • 1/3 cup Fractionated Coconut Oil (you want the liquid form so it doesn’t solidify in your pipes)
  • 1 tsp Vitamin E oil
  • Distilled Water (distilled will extend the shelf life)
  • Optional are Essential Oils for scent*. 10-30 drops (therapeutic grade)

*If you use citrus essential oils you will want to use a glass bottle and avoid direct sunlight directly afterwards.


  1. Wash Soap Dispenser
  2. Mix Raw Honey, Fractionated Coconut Oil and Vitamin E oil together in a glass container. You will want the honey to start to liquify, it doesn’t need to be fully because the soap will help it finish liquifying.
  3. Add Castile Soap and Essential Oils if you are using them. You will want to continue mixing slowly. If you mix to quickly the soap will start to foam before you are ready. Mix until all ingredients are combined.
  4. Pour mixture into foaming soap dispenser.
  5. Top with water. Be sure to leave enough room from the top to close without displacing any liquid.
  6. Swirl mixture and water together by rotating dispenser.
  7. Enjoy.

You will need to twirl and mix before using in the shower.

Trouble Shooting:

If your mixture isn’t foaming then make sure everything is completely mixed, if it still doesn’t’ foam you may need more water in your bottle.

If you are a visual learner please see the video tutorial below.

**This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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