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As a new year begins so do all of the resolutions.  The well intended diet plans and giving up of this or that.  A few years ago, we decided we were saying NO to resolutions and saying YES to goals.  Something shifts in the mindset when we decide to set goals that are realistic and attainable.  I find there is also a larger chance for success when we add in positive things and focus on those, verses focusing on what we are losing. Now, I like most of America would love to lose weight and do have a goal of doing so for my health. But the most important aspect of that is eating well and adding back in my workouts. The losing the weight isn’t the goal the exercising is, the benefit is the weight being lost.


This year I decided to learn 12 new skills one each month of 2024.  Some of these skills will be easier and some of them will be harder.  I also have 12 goals that I will be focusing on throughout the year, ranging from business, to food, personal growth and housekeeping. If for some reason one skill is not attainable for that month, I will flip flop the months and learn something else. I believe it is important to be continually learning. I will be sharing how I did each month on a Nailed It or Failed It video on YouTube and Rumble. So, if you are curious and want to follow along on our journey this year feel free to join us there.



We love to make memories building gingerbread houses or frosting cookies to give away. Making homemade ornaments or simmer pots that make the house smell better than a candle store. We gather together as a family and make things together. All the while laughing, talking, remembering and most importantly opening our hearts to one another.…


  1. January – Learn how to make Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread.
  2. February – Learn how to make deodorant.
  3. March – Learn to make Shampoo and Hair Rinse.
  4. April – Learn how to make Sunblock.
  5. May – Learn to create my own tea blends.
  6. June – Learn to make some of our favorite spice blends.
  7. July – Learn how to make Caramels.
  8. August – Learn to Pressure Can Beans.
  9. September – Learn to Pressure Can Broth.
  10. October – Learn how to make Vinegar.
  11. November – Learn how to make Sauerkraut.
  12. December – Learn how to make Fire Starters.


  1. Read the Bible everyday.
  2. No store-bought bread.
  3. Reduce food waste by 50%.
  4. Clean out garage and prepare to move.
  5. Get off blood pressure meds.
  6. Work out and work towards loosing 36 lbs.
  7. Have Family Game nights once a week.
  8. Release 4 E-Books.
  9. Release 3 Videos a week on YouTube and Rumble.
  10. Post 2 Blogs a week.
  11. Send 1 Newsletter a week.
  12. Monetize YouTube and the Blog.



This e-book shares recipes that encompass the taste of fall and pumpkin spice, with the health benefit of being gluten free, all while tasting delicious.  If you have been missing out on the flavors of fall or you have been experiencing the painful side effects of cheating and eating gluten during this season, this book…


There are some major things that have the potential to come up this year that may make a few of these things harder. I did try to make sure I set realistic goals that were attainable with effort. However, there are some larger things that at play and not all in our control, first is the fact that my husband is still on Workers Comp and has a long-standing injury that may or may not result in another surgery. The next is the potential possibility of us moving this year. We have been trying to make wise decisions on this and depending on what happens with this it may throw a wrench in a couple of my goals. This also may require me to get a job outside of the home.

I am telling you all of this because it is important to allow room for grace. To allow room for emergencies, life changes and the ability to pivot. As you are making your goals for the next year look realistically at what the next year may hold. Look at your dreams and see how they can fit into your realistic life. Set smart goals and set yourself up for success. If you have to pivot or an emergency comes up then you have patience and grace with yourself, just like you would give to someone else going through the same things.


I watch so many people start the year with the best of intentions. One month in they are doing good. Two months in they start to fade. Three months in they give up. Then all of a sudden, it is December and they are finally reviewing their year. They beat themselves up and set more extreme resolutions for the next year. Don’t do this! If you find yourself struggling at month 3, then assess the situation, figure out why and make changes during month 4. This will allow you to be back on the wagon maybe going in a slightly different direction, but you are still moving, still improving. The most important thing is growing, not staying stagnant.

There will be seasons in your life when growth is huge, and there will be seasons in life when you barely inch forward. That is the cycle for so many things in life, don’t be discouraged by that.

I would love to know what goals you have for the new year and what skills you want to learn. Please feel free to leave your goals in the comments so you can inspire another reader.


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