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I have so many people wonder why naturally dyed icing. Why use natural dyes in pasta or cookies or anything we eat really. As we have embarked on our health journey, one of the things that I have not cut out completely, but am replacing where I can, is synthetic food coloring. When I was a child in the 80’s and 90’s I remember knowing a few other kids that were allergic to red food coloring. I never really thought much about what red food coloring was, and why they had those allergies. I haven’t met anyone else with those allergies that I am aware of, so it was never something I dug into as an adult. Until I started eating whole foods and focusing on putting good healthy ingredients into me.

Why I Am Limiting Synthetic Food Dyes

As I have started learning about different chemicals in our cleaners, our hygiene products and believe it or not our food I have been shocked. I remember being shocked that red dye #40 could cause ADHD. I have heard interesting things about yellow and green food dye as well. As I was getting ready to write this blog I learned about a white and blue dye that don’t have great track records either. The list of possible side effects for all the dyes combined ranges from damaged DNA, brain tumors, multiple types of cancer, asthma, eczema and a damaged immune system. This started to remind me of those commercials you see about different medications and their list of possible side effects, but these items aren’t in medicine. They are in treats and everyday food.

I loved the chart I found on this company’s site, because it was clear and easy to understand, the do sell a product that I have no idea about I just liked the chart. You will find information pro synthetic food coloring and some against it. It is important to do your research and decide for you and your family. I would also look at what synthetic food dyes are made from. Petrolium! With that being said, I am working on eliminating excess use of food dyes in our diet. My food doesn’t have to be magazine quality, it is food, it needs to be delicious and healthy!



We love to make memories building gingerbread houses or frosting cookies to give away. Making homemade ornaments or simmer pots that make the house smell better than a candle store. We gather together as a family and make things together. All the while laughing, talking, remembering and most importantly opening our hearts to one another.…

Our Favorite Natural Food Dyes

So, with all of that you may be asking what I use and how do I not freak out if we do eat synthetic food dyes. The reality is we are exposed to so many chemicals in our foods. If I limit the amount, we ingest each day then I am taking steps in the right direction. I personally don’t see how we can completely remove all chemicals in today’s world. The two natural food dyes that I have used the most are beetroot powder and turmeric. I find that I can add these to sweet and savory items and the flavors do not overpower. I have started messing around with mint and some other greens as well.

One day I hope to grow blue butterfly peas. The flowers are edible and make a beautiful blue dye from the pictures I have seen. I have heard about using activated charcoal, but I haven’t looked into how much is ok and how to use it. You could also make teas like hibiscus that would make great natural dye depending on what the recipe was.

As with everything you need to do your research. Every natural item has its health benefits, and things that you need to be cautious of. If you have any medical conditions or are on medication, I always suggest looking into what each herb or vegetable powder may contribute to your health. Once you know what works for you then find out how to use it as a dye. Are blueberries good for you? Dehydrate them and powder them and use them in your next batch of cookies! The selection of what you can use is vast and will bring you down a colorful rabbit hole.

Sourcing Bulk Ingredients

Most of my ingredients I try to source in bulk. I do enough cooking and baking from scratch that it is more cost effective for me to purchase in bulk. If you are interested in building your pantry on a budget, I highly suggest checking out Azure Standard. I can order from them once a month if I want to, which I don’t need to do that, and meet a semi-truck at a specific drop location. Everyone purchasing helps unload all the product for that drop and then we take our goods and head home. I have saved so much money this way. For example, the items I have in bulk for this recipe are: powdered sugar, honey, beetroot powder, and turmeric, all of which I get from Azure Standard.

I also have a great source for vanilla beans and make my vanilla extract and vanilla sugar in bulk. Now is a great time to stock up on vanilla. Make those extracts and specialty sugars so they have time to sit, they will be ready this time next year. Now let’s get to the recipe…

Naturally Dyed Icing


  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 tsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp milk
  • 1/16 to 1/4 tsp natural dye powder of choice


  • Add all ingredients into a small bowl.
  • Mix ingredients with a small metal whisk or a small rubber spatula until fully combined.
  • Adjust natural dye powder as needed to achieve desired color.
  • Ice sugar or gingerbread cookies using a butter knife. I find it is easier to ice while cookie is flat on counter.
  • Allow icing to set.
  • Enjoy.



You can mix and match any of these to create custom colors. Or use other powdered ingredients to naturally dye your icing.
Beet Root Powder = Pink or Maroon
Turmeric = Yellow or Golden
Cacao Powder = Brown
Ground Mint = Green
Beet root will dye the batch with a very small amount, mint however takes a lot more and needs to be finally ground to change the color. If your icing is too runny add a sprinkle of powdered sugar. If it is too thick add a touch more vanilla extract or milk.
This icing is what we use on our gluten-free sugar cookies.
This recipe is also available as a cute PDF printable in our E-Book – The Christmas Kitchen – A Gluten Free Holiday Made Easy
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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