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In the winter and after I have been sick, I seem to get dryer lips. I have had a hard time in the past finding something gentle enough to not hurt my lips but textured enough to effectively remove all the dead skin. It is also extremely important to me to have good clean ingredients being applied to my lips. This lip scrub checks all of those boxes. After using this lip scrub I love to apply our favorite vanilla peppermint lip balm.

You can use a lot of different combinations of essential oils. For this lip scrub the combination of wild orange and peppermint is invigorating and refreshing. Once I tried this combination there was no reason for me to trial anymore. If you are curious why I am making my own skincare I would check out my bog post about it Why I Make Homemade Skincare.

Quality Ingredients

Just like the food we eat, the ingredients in our skincare is important. The better-quality ingredients, the better-quality product. That is one of the things that I love about making my own skincare, I get to decide!

  • Coconut Oil – I purchase my coconut oil in bulk from Azure Standard. This is the same coconut oil that I use to cook with. I just buy the gallon container and it lasts a long time.
  • Honey – Raw honey has many medicinal benefits. I avoid honey that has been heat processed or cut with sugar.
  • Essential Oils – We have a wholesale account with Doterra, I love their products and quality. I know there is mixed opinions about essential oils, MLM companies and so forth. My suggestion is to do your research and make the decision that is best for your family. I did and I chose Doterra for us. I use their Madagascar Vanilla Essential Oil and their Peppermint Essential Oil. If you are interested in purchasing oils through Doterra you can use this link.

Lip Scrub Recipe

Peppermint & Wild Orange Lip Scrub



  • Add all ingredients into a medium/large bowl.
  • Mix until well combined.
  • Place in container of choice. I like to use mason jars or amber jars.


Some other skincare recipes that may interest you are; Lip Balm, Whipped Body Butter, Foaming Hand Soap and Scalp Oil.

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