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I remember loving the Little Debbie’s Hand Pies you could grab at the grocery store. I could pick my own flavor and it was all mine, which was a big deal when you are the oldest of 4 kids. I also really loved the McDonald’s apple pies. I grew up on these treats and they bring back a lot of memories. However, I don’t buy food like that anymore and have tried to learn how to make healthier versions. While working on the Color Your Way Gluten-Free E-Book I decided I wanted to create a gluten-free pie crust. With that pie crust I decided to make a gluten-free hand pie recipe that would be flaky and delicious. NAILED IT!

When everyone wishes you had made more I think I can call it a success. I just do the egg wash on the outside of the hand pie, however you could easily glaze it or add icing to the top. I filled mine with apple pie filling, next on my list is a blueberry pie filling and a cherry pie filling. Really your creativity is the only boundaries here. I will walk you through the basics and I share my pie crust, but you can personalize this in a lot of ways. From the shape of the hand pie, the filling and even what it is topped with, it is all customizable.

The Crust

When making eating a pot pie, the crust can make the dish or break it. I think this is one of the reasons that you don’t readily find gluten-free pot pies in the most grocery stores, at least not around here. I recently shared a recipe for a delicious flaky gluten-free pie crust that is perfect for pot pies. My husband who has not been the biggest fan of the “gluten-free flavor” that you find in a lot of gluten-free foods loved this recipe. He said the great thing is it’s not gluten-free, I laughed and said well actually… It is! I honestly think that has been one of my favorite things about starting this blog and really focusing on developing delicious gluten-free recipes, converting his opinion of gluten-free food.



Color Your Way Gluten-Free is a fun and unique approach to teaching children how to cook gluten-free.  This is the perfect book for parents of children 6-11 years old who have an allergy or sensitivity to gluten.  We talk about what gluten is, products it’s found in and teach how to make a few staple…

Sourcing Bulk Ingredients

Most of my ingredients I try to source in bulk. I do enough cooking and baking from scratch that it is more cost effective for me to purchase in bulk. If you are interested in building your pantry on a budget, I highly suggest checking out Azure Standard. I can order from them once a month if I want to, which I don’t need to do that. I then meet a semi-truck at a specific drop location. Everyone purchasing helps unload all the product for that drop and then we take our goods and head home. I have saved so much money this way.

I also have a great source for vanilla beans and make my vanilla extract and vanilla sugar in bulk. If you have not started to purchase in bulk, I highly suggest you start. Take the time to do a price comparison, especially on spices and flours. Now let’s get to the recipe…

Hand Pies (Gluten-Free)

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Course Dessert




  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Line backing sheet with parchment paper.
  • Tear off two large pieces of parchment paper. You will be rolling out the dough between them.
  • Roll cold (not frozen) pie dough into a large rectangle.
  • Cut out as many rectangles as you can. The size of the rectangle will determine the size of the square. You will be placing pie filling on one side of the rectangle and folding it over creating a pocket. If really large, you won’t have as many hand pies. This is where you get to be creative.
  • Using a cookie spatula, place cut rectangles on to parchment lined baking sheet.
  • Add a scoop of the pie filling you want to use to one side of each rectangle. You want enough room to fold over the empty side and enough room on the edges to seal it.
  • Gently fold over the pie dough and gently press together the edges. You want to make sure not to poke a hole in the side of your pocket or the pie dough could come out while cooking.
  • Crimp the three edges with a fork. You want to gently press the fork about halfway into the edge. You want to seal the top and the bottom without poking holes into the hand pie with the fork.
  • Brush each hand pie with the beaten egg.
  • Using a butter knife, make 3 small slits in the top of each hand pie. This will allow steam to escape.
  • Bake at 400 degrees for 35-45 minutes, depending on size of hand pies. They should be a dark golden brown.
  • Remove from hot pan and place on cooling rack.
  • Once cool enjoy!



I explain how to one shape hand pie.  You can make any shape you want.  I have used round biscuit cutters to cut out the dough and layer on top of each other.  You can cut a large circle and fold over and make calzone shaped hand pie.  The options are endless, you just want your pie filling and crust ratio right and you need the ability to cleanly seal the edges of each hand pie. 
Keyword Gluten Free, Hand Pie, Pie, Pie Crust
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

If you liked this recipe, you should check out our Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Surprise Cookies, Oatmeal Christmas Cookies and our Gluten and Dairy Free Peppermint Brownies. All of three of these recipes can be found in our E-book The Christmas Kitchen – A Gluten-Free Holiday Made Easy. We will be launching new recipes and projects weekly so keep checking back to see what is new.

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