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One of the first skincare products that I wanted to start making from scratch is our soap. I really wanted to control what we were putting on our skin and washing our hands a million times a day with the same soap seemed like the right place for me to start. We tried making bar soap for the next to the sink and that did not work well for our family. I don’t mind bar soap in the shower but next to the sink never seemed to work for us. So, I went digging for an easy recipe that the whole family would like, and this foaming hand soap was a winner.

This is the recipe that we have settled on to be our favorite. I love that it is customizable and can change for the seasons, and not be toxic to our skin like so many other soaps.

All you need to do is place the first three ingredients into a foaming hand soap dispenser and then top with water. And you are done. I highly suggest using a glass container with essential oils due to the possibility of certain oils breaking down plastic.

Here is a video tutorial for you in case you prefer to learn visually.

Kids seem to love the foaming soap, and this is definitely cost effective. We hope you enjoy!

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