Tag: Breakfast


    Once I started cooking regular meals from scratch, I also started paying attention to the ingredients in everything. One area that I have been recently trying to switch to homemade is condiments. This includes condiments for dinner, dessert, breakfast, really anything that I add to a dish. If you look at the ingredients of a… Read more


    Gluten-Free breakfasts were quite a struggle in our home. We love sourdough waffles, and my daughter loved those premade waffles and pancake treats you can buy in the freezer section. Neither of those are gluten-free and both would make my daughter extremely sick. So, we have made a lot of eggs, which is not her… Read more


    Pie crust is one of the most versatile pastries in the kitchen. It can be used for savory pot pies or pockets of sweet pie filling. You can make it as fancy as you want or leave it rustic, both are beautiful in their own way. The best is flaky pie crust, that holds its… Read more

  • WINTER SPICE MUFFINS (Gluten & Dairy Free)

    Winter to me is full of wonderful warm spices and smells. From the soups we eat, the bread baking in the oven and the baked goods that we enjoy. These winter spice muffins are exactly what they say they are. A muffin that is perfect to eat in winter and full of cranberry, orange and… Read more

  • PUMPKIN BISCOTTI (Gluten Free)

    A couple of years ago I purchased the biscotti from Costco, I quickly became hooked. I had dental problems for years, so it was no surprise to me that I hadn’t had this crunchy flavorful delight before. I honestly had no idea what I was missing. Last fall my daughter and I were playing around… Read more

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