Category: Gluten Free Recipes


    Chocolate chip cookies are an American classic cookie. The texture needs to be soft and chewy and have chocolate pieces evenly spread throughout. This happens to be one of my husband’s favorite cookies. When we started cooking from scratch we started playing with flavors. One that we started adding in was cherry, and what goes… Read more

  • WINTER SPICE MUFFINS (Gluten & Dairy Free)

    Winter to me is full of wonderful warm spices and smells. From the soups we eat, the bread baking in the oven and the baked goods that we enjoy. These winter spice muffins are exactly what they say they are. A muffin that is perfect to eat in winter and full of cranberry, orange and… Read more


    When I think of Christmas Cookies, the first two that come to mind are gingerbread and sugar cookies. I am sure every area has their special Christmas cookie, but here sugar cookies are all the rage. There are 2 types that I am aware of, the soft cake like round sugar cookies with a cake… Read more


    As the Christmas season approaches so does the desire for Peppermint and Chocolate! This flavor profile is one of the most popular during the Christmas season and it is definitely a favorite in our home. We get our fix a lot of the time from hot cocoa and candy canes, but every once in a… Read more

  • SALTED HOT COCOA MIX (Gluten & Dairy Free)

    As we have been building our pantry and learning to cook from scratch, we have started to recreate our favorites guilty pleasures at home. We started taking items that had a list of crazy ingredients and trying to make them simpler and healthier. This Salted Hot Cocoa Mix is a game changer for us, it… Read more

  • PUMPKIN BISCOTTI (Gluten Free)

    A couple of years ago I purchased the biscotti from Costco, I quickly became hooked. I had dental problems for years, so it was no surprise to me that I hadn’t had this crunchy flavorful delight before. I honestly had no idea what I was missing. Last fall my daughter and I were playing around… Read more

  • Cranberry Pumpkin Scones (Gluten Free)

    In 2016 I started trying to cook from scratch more and more. One of the recipes we found and quickly fell in love with was Scottish Scones. They are an oatmeal scone with dry texture, perfect with a cup of coffee. They became a hit in our home, and we served them to any visitor… Read more

  • Iced Butterscotch Pumpkin Cookies (Gluten Free)

    Autumn is my favorite season of the year. The mornings are brisk, and the evenings start to cool down. While the days are filled with the warmth of the sun. This lets us know that the end of harvest season is near and the desire to fire up the oven starts to grow. Autumn’s smells… Read more

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